my waypoints

my waypoints

I name my waypoints mostly after the people I have on the boat, so that I remember if and what I caught, or if it piques my interest due to the morphology, but I haven't caught anything...
But one waypoint, in particular, changed its name over time. My friend Nicola once said to me, 'No, let's call this point "Without a Trace". 
No, let's call this point "Without a Trace
It's a completely flat spot. Sometimes, I see a few markings of inevitable red porgy, but nothing more...
It's true that there are some big rocks around, two main ones, but in that particular spot, the waypoint "without a trace," it seems like there's... no trace, completely flat, there's nothing... except for the dentex. I don't know where they come from or if they are already so close to the bottom that they can't be seen on the sonar, but they are there!!!
I pass over it, I don't see anything, I take another round around the rocks, and if I still don't mark anything there, then I go back, and in the darkness, anyway, I drop my line there and... I brought Brunò from France to catch his first dentex!!!!
